Ad Sales

Display Ads sizes: w x h
Full page 5.25 x 8.25 $845
3/4 page 5 x 6 $675
1/2 page vertical 2.375 x 8 $475
1/2 page horizon. 4.875 x 3.75 $475
1/4 page 2.375 x 3.75 $315
1/8 page 2.375 x 2 $175
Premium Placement
Back cover 5.5 x 8.5 $1250
Inside back cover 5.5 x 8.5 $1050
Inside front cover 5.5 x 8.5 $1095
Page 1 (full bleed) 5.5 x 8.5 $1095
10% discount for those based from Kennecott to Chitina.
Space reservation Jan. 15
Art deadline if you provide March 1
Publication May 15 or earlier
Format Specifications
Provide elements and let us design your ad,
or provide print-ready art:
EPS or PDF file with fonts embedded or outlined
300+ DPI TIFF or highest-quality JPG, CMYK
Please ensure your ad is correctly sized and is CMYK, not RGB
Full-bleed ads (covers): please ensure no text or logo is within 1/4 inch of trim line

call 907-244-7717
email kmxy.guide@gmail.com
or use the form below and we'll respond soon

Single copy and bulk copy mail orders: We can't mail single hard copies for free, but we happily ship them anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for $4 for the first copy and $1 per additional copy. Bulk orders at a significantly lower price point are welcome. Complete the form above or email us and indicate how many copies you'd like, and we'll email a payment link.